Friday, May 3, 2013

Eliminating Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Copy from: Eliminating Wrinkles and Fine Lines - Great Skin Basics

It’s a fact of life that most wrinkles suck and nobody wants them. Wrinklesare creases, folds, or ridges of the skin. Like everyone knows, they are usually a result of getting older but there are many things we do that cause them to develop a lot sooner. Damage from the sun’s harmful rays or tanning beds, smoking, dehydration, some medications all play a part in reducing the elasticity and suppleness of our skin. It’s nearly impossible to avoid wrinkles entirely; as we become older our skin gets thinner and less elastic. Our skin loses its ability to resist damage and eventually wrinkles and shrivels. There are actually two main types of wrinkles: surface lines and deep furrows.Obviously we can’t fight our genetics, but there are ways we can prolong the process and avoid irritating lines and creases on our faces, hands, and necks.

Moisturizing: your skin is one of the ultimate ways to combat aging, wrinkles, and nearly any other skin disease or malady you can imagine. This will keep your skin hydrated which will allow your skin to heal itself and absorb more nutrients, thus slowing down the aging process. By maintaining a healthy regiment every day, you can rest assured knowing your skin will fight off those wrinkles longer.
good skin care habits

Retinoids: work by increasing cell regeneration deep within the dermis (lower level of your skin). There has been tons of research done that provesretinoids are among the only successful anti-aging products on the market. Used regularly, retinoids stimulate collagen renewal and resist skin cellbreak down. Available in a broad range of strengths, you can find some powerful options through prescriptions and some are available over-the-counter outside of the U.S. There are lower strength retinoids available for purchase pretty much anywhere, though. Be wary of irritation and err on the side of caution when using them.
retinoids for wrinkles

You’ve heard it before; antioxidants: are truly great for your skin. There’s a lot of science jargon behind them that back up the claims. Free radicals, unstable oxygen molecules, are extremely harmful to your skin. They “attack” healthy skin cells and cause cellular breakdown, which in turn will lead to wrinkles and other defects. It’s possible to fend off these little baddies with antioxidant crèmes or antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and drinks; teas and raspberries are great sources of antioxidants. Honestly, you should probably focus on relying on ingesting antioxidant-rich foods and drinks, rather than pills or topical applications. Not only does it encourage a healthy diet, but it has the added bonus of giving you something to eat… And who doesn’t love eating?

The sun is your enemy: Yes, the sun is the reason for all life on Earth, but its harmful rays can severely damage your skin. Avoiding direct sunlight or minimizing your exposure to the sun’s rays can really save your skin. Our skin is designed to protect us from things like this, but it needs a little help – particularly if you’re of fairer skin. Always make sure you’re using the appropriate SPF sunscreen when you intend to be outside for more than 30 minutes and seek shade periodically to cool yourself down. If at all possible, cover up your skin with an umbrella, wide-brimmed hat, or even long-sleeves shirts and pants. Children, especially, should take extra care in warmer weather. That being said, no one should ever use a tanning bed. Tanning beds subject your skin to direct UVA rays, a major cause of skin cancer and damage. Those things are little skin-hating machines.

Sleep well: Most people severely underestimate the benefits of a good night’s rest. It may not seem like much, but getting 6-9 hours of sleep every night greatly reduces the effects of all stresses on your body and mind. Sleep is the body’s way of repairing itself after a day’s events and it’s a necessary step in preparing ourselves for day-to-day life. There’s no reason good enough to sacrifice on one of the most valuable (and admittedly pleasurable – sleep is awesome) things you can do for yourself.
sleeping for eliminate wrinkles

Hopefully with some insight and a little preparation, you can steal yourself some added years with your skin. Your skin is your number one shield against the elements and all the awful things around us, but it does require some time to help it out too. Being mindful of your time and planning accordingly will spare you some major headaches later on down the line.

Realated Post:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Great Skin Basics Online Store for Skin Care Products is premier skincare website serving thousands of customers who require the best in quality skin care products. Most of our members are people looking for solutions to resolve their acne, dry skin, aging skin and damaged skin. Our premise revolves around making sure our members are informed on great skincare basics.
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Mission of GreatSkinBasics:
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